
Kalyar Studio

  We via this apps or by any other means will never violate your personal privacy. All of these authorizations for access and permissions are necessary for these apps to function conveniently. We merely want to reassure you that we will always protect your privacy and all of your personal information. All of these apps were created as ad-supported. We offer this service for no charge, and it is meant to be used exactly as is. If any visitor chooses to use our Service, they should be aware of our rules regarding the collection, use, and sharing of all their Personal Information. Information Collection and Use In order to offer you with a better experience when using all of our Services, we may ask for some personally identifiable information from you, including but not limited to: Gallery (for the access of photographs, only for the app to function), Internet, and other sources (for supporting Ads). The data that we seek will be saved on your device; it is not in any way collected by